Hey there Tribe,

So, uhh… yeah… it’s been awhile. Perhaps you’ve been asking yourself “Self, what is that really cool band Tribal Poetry up to these days?”

Well, we’ve been preparing for THIS! Tribal Poetry will be playing the Annual Livermore Downtown Street Fest on May 18 & 19, 2019, along with our friends in True North Project, Modern Day Savages and Crossroads.

Come check it out!



Only 6 days until Squidfest, and the details are starting to firm up.

We are tentatively scheduled to hit the Cephalopod Amphitheater stage at 3PM, but the shindig itself kicks off at 2PM, so be sure to get here early! Food and beverages will be provided, but there’s always room for more if you are so inclined!

Hope to see you there!



Hey Tribe,

It has been a long time in the works, but the day is finally here. The website has arrived!

We will continue to add additional content like videos, photos, information about upcoming appearances and news updates as time goes on. Feel free to poke around and let us know what you think!

Hello World!

Well, it's almost here - the official Tribal Poetry website!

We hope you'll check us out regularly for video clips from recent shows, live appearance information, etc. We're excited to have our own space, and to share our music with the world at large! Watch for more updates soon!